Vittorio Valli: a short profile.

Graduated in Economics at Bocconi University in 1965, Master of Arts in Economics at Berkeley, I had taught at Bocconi and at the Universities of Padua and Turin. Full professor since 1980, I had been visiting scholar at Berkeley and Brown and visiting professor at the institute of Economic Research of Kyoto University, at Nice and at Seoul National University. I was the first president of AISSEC and EACES, the Italian and European associations of comparative economics. Since the late 1960s I have explored the problems of economic policy and of labor economics and the theoretical and empirical complexities of the theory of growth and of development. Country studies and comparative economic development have then become the main objects of my research. First, I have published articles and books on economic policy, the American, the Italian and the German economies and the difficult construction of the European Union. Then I have tried to analyze the causes of the period of rapid economic ascent of the Japanese economy in the 1950-1989 years and the following structural crisis; to assess the delayed, but lengthier, period of rapid growth of South Korea, and the more recent and contrasted economic rise of Indonesia. Finally, I have explored, in a comparative perspective, the massive economic rise of the two Asian giants, China and India, and tried to explain, in “the American economy from Roosevelt to Trump” (2018), the long- run determinants of the rise and the relative decline of the American economy. I have introduced in literature some partially new concepts, such as “relative economic ascent” and “relative economic decline”, and “the fordist model of economic development”. In my research I have tried to combine political economy with history and social and institutional aspects, following the example of great economists and friends, such as Paolo Sylos Labini, Angus Maddison, Gregory Grossman and Harvey Leibenstein. Presently I am emeritus professor at the Department of economics and Statistics of the University of Turin, member in the scientific committee of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Turin and associate director of OEET (the Turin center on emerging economies).

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Vittorio Valli, The American Economy from Roosevelt to Trump, London, Palgrave Macmillan, November 2018. Available as softcover (about € 25) and e-book (about € 20) from the publisher, Springer, Amazon, IBS, etc.

Vittorio Valli, The Economic Rise of Asia: Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, Accademia University Press, Torino, 2017. Available as softcover (€ 14) and e-book (€ 3,49), from the publisher, Amazon, etc.

Vittorio Valli, Economic Policies during the “Great Recession” in the United States and in the European Union: A Comparative and Critical View, Annals of the Foundation Luigi Einaudi, LI, 2-2017, 159-182.

Vittorio Valli, European economic policies, stock-flow relations and the great double crisis,The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 2017, vol. 14, n. 1, pp. 107-120. (open access).

Vittorio Valli, The Economic Rise of China and India, Accademia University Press, Torino, 2015. Available as soft cover (€ 13) and e-book (€ 2,49) from the publisher, Amazon, etc.

Giovanni Balcet and Vittorio Valli (eds.) Potenze economiche emergenti: Cina ed India a confronto, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012, Available from the publisher (€ 20), Amazon, etc.


Presentations of the book The American Economy from Roosevelt to Trump:
  1. Rizzoli Bookshop in New York (presenter prof. Sanjay Reddy, April 15, 2019).
  2. The New School, New York (presenter prof. Sanjay Reddy, April 11, 2019).
  3. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Genève (presenter prof. Ugo Panizza, March 7, 2019)
  4. Archiginnasio, Bologna (presenters: professors Carlo D’Adda, Tiziano Bonazzi and Romano Prodi, February 18, 2019)
Lectures and Conference speeches:
  1. ITFA Conference, Livorno, Industry, Trade and Finance in the US and China. A Long-run View, May 30, 2019. See slides.
  2. University of Perugia, Le conseguenze economiche di Barack Obama e Donald Trump, March 12, 2019.
  3. Istituto Fondazione Gramsci, Torino, Una globalizzazione da regolare, December 12, 2018. See slides.
  4. University of Brescia, Declino dell’economia americana e le nuove potenze emergenti, November 7, 2018. See slides.